Unable To Do Anything Right

Dinghai City was a long way from Chang'an. Before the apocalypse, it used to take planes three hours to get there, but now ordinary Chang'an residents simply had no chance of travelling to Dinghai City.

However, people like Luo Yunyang could solve this difficult problem easily. Chen Yong had already spent a large sum of money on three tickets to Dinghai City in order to save his father.

Luo Yunyang, Chen Yong and an elder from the Chen Family headed to Dinghai City. According to family hierarchy, Chen Yong had to address this elder as great-uncle.

"All the priority business class seats were already taken, leader. I'm sorry, but I could only get you an ordinary business class seat this time. I am really very sorry…" Chen Yong scratched his head as he spoke apologetically.