A Tyrannical Kick

The ringtone of a communication device interrupted the stirred-up Chen Family. At first, everyone was displeased with the person whose device had rung. However, before they could speak, they realized that their own devices had also started to ring.

"Chief Chan, have you arrived? What? Your company has some urgent matters to attend to, so you can't come? Can't you…" The family member that picked up this call wanted to continue speaking, but the call was ended by the other party.

Although he cursed, the family elder could only put his communication device away unhappily. Meanwhile, he saw about seven or eight other relatives put down their communication devices with ashen faces.

"What sort of person has Yong Yong brought over, Brother? What… What he said has made the Yun Family want to fight us to death. The Rapid Gem Automobile Vice-President, who is a really tight buddy of mine, says that he wants to come, but he just can't."