Before 3,000 Guests

The huge main hall of the Yun Family, which was splendidly adorned with gold and jade, was occupied by many distinguished friends cheerfully talking to each other.

However, the central point of this group was a pair of men, one old and one young.

Although the old man had white hair and a beard, he appeared very hale and hearty. His voice was as powerful and resounding as a bell.

The old man was the Yun Family Head of the previous generation, Old Master Yun, who could make Dinghai City tremble just by stamping his feet.

Seated beside him was a young man in his 20s with a rather imposing bearing.

This young man gave off the vibe of a moon from afar; he made others feel a sense of inferiority when they gazed at him.

The Yun Family didn't introduce this man properly. They only said that his name was Li Qingfeng.