Slaying A God!

Luo Yunyang bit his lip. Although Lu Qubing had said that there weren't many residents left in the four satellite cities, Luo Yunyang had still seen people get dismembered by the brilliant blasts.

Their deaths were his fault.

Luo Yunyang didn't regret killing Old Master Yun, who had behaved rampantly and been guilty of monstrous crimes, but what had all those innocent civilians done wrong?

All these people had died because of him!

Luo Yunyang didn't consider himself a saint, but he also didn't think that he was a cold-blooded person. He was just a hot-blooded young man.

Smoke and dust seemed to cover everything, while the sky was ablaze. The flames made Luo Yunyang's lips feel parched. He actually felt as though he was on fire.

Kill, kill, kill!

A crazy thought formed in Luo Yunyang's mind. He suddenly urged the Buddha Disks beneath his feet to shoot towards the multitude of fire cannons of the Unrivalled Fleet like a whirlwind.