War Or Peace

Luo Yunyang shut his eyes in thought on top of that small mountain. His Mind Attribute had already been raised over 10,000 points.

A 20,000-point Mind Attribute would make everything extremely clear, but what was important to him right now was comprehension.

He was currently thinking about how he had crossed the Great Snow Mountain.

Actually, he was remembering the state he had been in when he had crossed from one snowy peak to another.

Comprehending True Intent was something very difficult for martialists. Sometimes, some experiences and thoughts would allow one to accomplish True Intent naturally, but more often than not, it was very difficult to do.

When people purposely tried to study and cultivate hard in various ways, the effect was even worse.

However, this didn't happen to Luo Yunyang, not because of his Constitution, but rather because of his powerful mind power.