The Battle On The Raging Ocean

A long motorcade had formed outside Dinghai City. Rising Army Dragon soldiers toting weapons were barking out instructions to pave the way.

"Listen up! Let the children and the elderly up first!"

"Hey, don't cheat! I'm talking to you. Are you a child or a lady? Then move to the back!"

"Hurry up! Move a little faster!"

All sorts of noisy sounds could be heard, including some grumbling people.

"Damn it, it's all Luo Yunyang's fault. We were all living fine in Dinghai City until he went crazy…"

"Don't say this, Old Lu. We can't blame Commissar Luo for this. The Unrivalled Fleet has been running amuck for years. If no one had defied them, they would have just climbed all over our heads and become even more savage!"

Everyone around nodded their heads when they heard this. However, they still felt worried.