
"You are trying to make me carry the can!" Luo Yunyang didn't pay attention to Johann. He just stared with a deadpan expression at the Raging Inferno Guardian.

The Raging Inferno Guardian felt his hair stand on end when Luo Yunyang glared at him as though his despicable thoughts had been totally transparent. For a moment, he felt a chill go down his spine.

Luo Yunyang currently ranked three places higher than him after all. Although the Raging Inferno Guardian wasn't very pleased with this, he couldn't deny that this ranking made him act more apprehensively around Luo Yunyang.

Besides, Luo Yunyang just didn't have that sort of self-restraint. His attitude showed that he loved being direct and straightforward with everything he did.

"Ha ha! If you don't want to do this, then forget about it. Just act as if I didn't say anything!" Although he felt sad, the Raging Inferno Guardian still pretended that he didn't mind.