There Is Still Hope

"Vice-Chairman, it won't just be Jin'fu City. Judging by the rate at which dire beasts are entering, it won't even take them a month to increase a hundredfold in the 13 Eastern Cities," Zhuge Yi said gloomily. "Furthermore, the majority of the dire beasts entering through the crack are Bestial Flying Locusts. If they continue to enter for three more days, then we will see massive changes."

Just thinking about Bestial Flying Locusts everywhere sent shivers down one's spine.

"Therefore, we should probably make a decision fast!"

Zhuge Yi's voice was icy and emotionless. The suggestion he had made earlier had basically been a death penalty.

Jin Zaitian, Lu Qubing, as well as the other army leaders shuddered in their own seats. The 13 Eastern Cities still had quite a number of secret bases within those little cracks in space.

However, once the 13 Eastern Cities were lost, those bases would simply have no more resources and would ultimately die.