Reaching The Limits

The Primordial Diabolical Bull roared ferociously as it flew into a fit of rage over the treachery of that little bug.

It had originally wanted to use someone else to do its dirty work, yet it had never expected that this vile human would betray it. Although it was unlikely that it would die at the hands of the Two-Headed Monitor Lizard, the Primordial Diabolical Bull would still have to pay a considerable price.

Just thinking about it made the bull feel as though it was about to go mad.

However, as the Primordial Diabolical Bull was using all its might, the surrounding area suddenly started shaking.

The bull was a Dark-Grade source beast, so its senses weren't ordinary. Even a single falling leaf couldn't escape its eyes, let alone something that seemed like a meteor crash.

However, it still found it difficult to react to this kind of speed.