The Ascending Nine-Orifice Sky Lotus

The landscape looked magnificent at sunset.

Lu Xiu stood at the foot of a small hill with a worried expression on his face.

As a martial grandmaster, he had already reached a state that allowed him to be unwavering.

However, Lu Xiu currently looked like a young man waiting for his lover. From time to time, he would glance at his communication device fretfully and then look up at the sky uneasily.

When he heard a sound, Lu Xiu unconsciously raised his head and saw three hawk-like figures flying over from a distance.

The three of them streaked through the sky with wings made of source power. The instant the three silhouettes appeared, a ferocious roar was heard from the depths of a distant mountain.

"Was it successful?" Lu Xiu, who didn't care about anything else, walked quickly over to the man at the front.

"Yes, the mission was successful!" said the middle-aged man. Although his expression was staunch, there was delight in his eyes.