All Gods Ultimately Fall

"Luo Yunyang, the space cracks are getting larger. The… The world is getting even more dangerous each day. I am a god-grade powerhouse, so my contribution to humanity will only increase!"

Lu Tini was now speaking even faster, so his remaining hand danced around hysterically. "If… If you kill me, it will be humanity that suffers. You mustn't kill me."

"Trash!" Luo Yunyang took a step forward and used the Heaven-Burning Dragon Fists. Suddenly, a fiery dragon rushed forward and enveloped Lu Tini.

Although Lu Tini was only left with one arm, he was still a god-grade powerhouse, so when he saw Luo Yunyang trying to kill him, he waved his remaining arm and a fiery fist flew over at Luo Yunyang.

The fist-mark was like a flame that collided with Luo Yunyang's flame dragon.

The instant the flame dragon appeared, his body became a streak of lightning that fled frantically into the distance.