A Wild, Fighting Dragon’s Strong, Mysterious Blood

The dragon fought wild, and its blood was strong and mysterious.

As the power within Luo Yunyang's body was restrained by that frigid power, he felt like a colossal dragon about to soar into the sky. However, this dragon was tightly bound by a net.

These sort of binds made one so uncomfortable that Luo Yunyang felt the impulse to throw his head back and roar at the sky.

500 years of upheaval in the heavens!

As he thought about this, Luo Yunyang urged the source power within his body. However, when his source power was activated, the power that felt like a surging dragon and the power binding it simultaneously disappeared from his blood stream.

His source power was no use, and his mind power had no effect either. Luo Yunyang could sense how helpless his own ancestors had felt.

What could be done? Would he really have to give up?

Although Luo Yunyang didn't lack power now, this sort of surging power made him feel indignant deep down.