Martial God, Martial God!

The Martial God's reappearance had subjugated Atlantis with one move.

The torrential waves retreated so that Atlantis and the Da Alliance would interact peacefully.

The Martial God was the guardian god of the entire Da Alliance!

All sorts of topics and headlines appeared on the Sky Vision as many people shouted out for the Martial God.

He was humanity's savior and stabilizing force. These were the Martial God's latest nicknames. Some people had even started calling for the title of Number One Warrior to be given to the Martial God.

Luo Yunyang and Murat were quickly forgotten. Occasionally, people would post and say that the two of them had also contributed to this success, but they would soon be chastised by certain people.

"Don't try and act all smart if you can't pull it off! In the end, it was the Martial God's appearance that saved us. Otherwise, no one knows how this would have ended!"