Killing The Martial God

A drop of blood was an entire world!

This theory was very difficult to believe. However, Murat had no choice but to believe it. In her heart, she knew very well that Luo Yunyang had no reason to deceive her.

"If this drop of blood is an entire mystic realm, then what are the blood shadows?" Murat said solemnly as she stared at the blood-red gemstone.

Luo Yunyang glanced at the bright gemstone before he said softly, "Willpower. A sort of remnant of a martialist's will. Although this will has already been shattered and left only with the instinct of Asura's Seven Axes, it can be combined with the power within the blood to create these blood shadows. They are a higher entity. Something that we cannot understand."

As they were speaking, Murat realized that she had once again returned to God's Dusk. She hesitated for a bit before she said, "You should be able to see through me, Asura. I am willing to serve under you and…"