The Heaven-Splitter

The Martial God had been in control of everything ever since Luo Yunyang had stepped on the sky pillar. However, the moment Asura's Fury was released, his expression turned ghastly.

Although the Martial God could be considered the god that controlled this star, Asura's Fury transcended beyond his understanding.

Besides regular rules, there were also rules of destruction.

Based on these rules, the willpower of the star wasn't very effective.

To the Martial Master's knowledge, such a rule surpassed the power of ordinary humans, so it should not be in the hands of a mortal like Luo Yunyang.

Suddenly, layers of earthy-yellow armor appeared around the Martial Master's body. Meanwhile, his palm had started to glow like yellow jadeite.

The slab made of earth crumbled as it came into contact with Asura's Fury. This was a power that could practically obliterate anything made out of paper paste, so it made it collapse in an instant.