Pointing A Sword For 1,500 Kilometers

"What did you f*cking say? Repeat it!" a skinny man with a single horn growing out of his back said furiously.

In front of him was a young man who was nodding and bowing. His hands were clasped together in embarrassment as he said, "Miss Weiwei isn't free today, sir!"

"She isn't free? My family's master and various honored guests are currently waiting here! How dare you f*cking run over and tell me that she isn't free! If you can't even handle such a small matter, then what's the point of your life? Why don't you just die?" The man with the horn on his back moved his hand and sent the young man flying.

"I'm saying this for the last time. Bring her over immediately. Otherwise, you and your relatives will get ripped to shreds!"

The man's hand turned into a claw in a flying rage. As he swung it, red cuts appeared on the young man's body.

The young man remained quiet out of fear. He felt like death was just a step away, yet he had no way of resisting.