Can I Take A Look At Your Pill Furnace?

Yunxi stared coldly at Crown Prince Nanshan in silence. Crown Prince Nanshan was itching to roar with laughter. This woman had character. He really liked this. However, no matter how much he liked her, he wouldn't fall head over heels for her charm like a brainless fellow and treat her like a goddess. He wanted to use his ability to thoroughly subdue her. That would be the most meaningful way to act.

How could she remain calm before such benefits? Crown Prince Nanshan firmly believed that he'd feel the same way about the pill furnace under the circumstances.

Yunxi, who was standing aside, didn't share his feelings. When she saw Crown Prince Nanshan's pleased expression, she itched to hit that smug face of his.

That piece of trash!

If her own father hadn't been…

As she thought of this, Yunxi's heart did not waver. She had to do well and stand at the peak of the world.