A Raging Wind

Everyone aboard the blood-colored, axe-shaped battleship had dropped whatever they were doing to witness the spectacular battle that had started that day.

According to Elder Qieke, they were the directors of that day's battle, so they had high expectations from it.

They had waited a long time for this battle. Their moods and thoughts were all over the place, yet they knew that whoever survived would become the most dazzling star of the entire Bloody Massacre Path.

After all, this was the only blood battle dominated by a Fundamental Planetary Source in many years!

"These two are both geniuses!" someone exclaimed in admiration when the two men stood before each other.

Nobody objected to this evaluation. Regardless of whether they supported Poshan or that Crazy Person of unknown origin, both fighters had displayed a strength that made many people believe in them.

The Crazy Person's blade and Poshan's fists moved!