10 Suns Illuminating The Sky

The sky lightning and earthly fires continued to rage on the Chongyuan Star.

However, Elder Qieke and the others up in the sky could already sense that this turbulent sky lightning and earthly fires were almost spent.

Although the sky lightning continued to surge and the earthly fires were still raging, their might had already weakened by 70%.

If the lightning and fires on the Chongyuan Star were to disperse on their own, it would take tens of thousands of years for them to disappear completely. However, in just over a year, they had already weakened by 70%.

This made Elder Qieke believe that this man was extraordinarily powerful.

Furthermore, he had already spent more than a year breaking through to the Star-Grade Realm.

Qieke didn't know if anyone else in the vast universe had spent this much time doing the same thing.

However, he knew that there had never been such a person in the entire history of the Bloody Massacre Path.