All Living Things Are Like Ants In The Face Of A Star-Obliterating Cannon

The message sender was unknown, yet this didn't seem to be fake. Elder Qieke's expression became a little more solemn as he glanced at Luo Yunyang, who was meticulously studying the message.

As Luo Yunyang's bodyguard, Elder Qieke was way better-informed regarding that entire star system.

Even though the Bloody Massacre Path had an overbearing control all over this area, they also had to simultaneously balance the interests of the empires they controlled.

After all, the best possible outcome would only be achieved when mutual interest was achieved.

"What are you thinking, Elder?" Luo Yunyang, who had always treated Elder Qieke respectfully, was now asking about his opinion.

"Blood Disciple, the Blue Rain Empire has assumed the stance of a hedgehog!" Elder Qieke said.

Using a hedgehog to describe an empire didn't seem respectful, yet it was incomparably vivid.