Beneath Mt. Song Amid The Drizzling Rain

1,650 star dollars?

Many thoughts sprouted as Luo Yunyang studied the humble-looking, middle-aged man standing before him.

The Essence Soul Blood Fruit that could prolong Yunxi's life cost 30 star dollars. Right now, Luo Yunyang only had 20 star dollars.

He couldn't even afford one Essence Soul Blood Fruit.

Although his position in the Bloody Massacre Path was very special, that didn't mean that the Bloody Massacre Path would still provide him with unlimited subsidy.

Take star dollars, for example. The portion allocated to him annually was 20 star dollars. This didn't sound like much. However, when the sum was converted to blue rain dollars, the 20 star dollars became 200 billion blue rain dollars.

200 billion was an astronomical sum.