The Nine-Volume Sky Book

When Luo Yunyang thought about it, he guessed that the Blood Spirit Sky would be a similar dimension to the one Base 7 was situated in. At most, it would perhaps be slightly bigger.

However, it was only upon arriving that Luo Yunyang realized how wrong he had been. His theory had been way off. The Blood Spirit Sky wasn't an expanse of space, but a galaxy!

A galaxy completely shrouded by a blood-red glow. Within this galaxy were over 100 planets revolving around a blood-red sun.

When Luo Yunyang's warship flew into the Blood Spirit Sky, someone contacted the warship and gave them guiding instructions.

After flying for 20 hours, the warship entered a scarlet bloody mist. Elder Qieke quickly made his way over and said, "Blood Disciple, I can only take you up to this point. The person receiving you is just below."

Luo Yunyang nodded and said, "Thank you for escorting me all the way here, Elder."