The Great Chaotic Hole Path

Torrential Storm Diagram, Burning Lightning Fire Diagram, 1,000 Lights and Shadows Diagram, Indestructible Rocks Diagram…

Diagram after diagram flashed through the Sky Book. These diagrams were not coherent, as there seemed to be some slight flaws in them.

However, this wasn't something that Luo Yunyang was concerned about. He quickly memorized the charm and grace of each diagram in his mind. Each time he memorized a diagram, he realized that the memory of the previous diagram had been lost.

How could these diagrams, which touched upon Origin Source Laws, be so easily memorized?

Just when Luo Yunyang thought that his trip to the Sky Book Hall would end without any rewards, he suddenly realized that the jade crystal above him was gone. His position had also changed. He was now surrounded by stone monuments that were 1,000 feet tall!

Luo Yunyang looked up at the stone monument beside him. There were three words written on it: Shadow-Killing Path!