Standing On The Tallest Peak

"Master, there's a message from the Meru Realm inviting you to participate in the Hero Meeting tomorrow!" Badebu told Luo Yunyang in a rare, respectful way.

The Hero Meeting?

Luo Yunyang, who had his eyes shut while cultivating, was slightly astonished when he received this news. He shot Badebu a look. The little fiend, who seemed to understand what he was thinking, quickly explained.

It turned out that the Hero Meeting was a stipulation of the Blood Spirit Sky. After every competition, the elites that had confirmed spots in the Top Blood District and District One would gather at the Top Blood District's Hall of Heroes.

Besides letting the young generation of elites meet and get to know each other, this gathering also had another purpose. It was supposed to strengthen and promote the sense of superiority of the top 15 elites.