It Doesn't Matter

Yang Shang was the number one person in the Top Blood District and a true king figure in the eyes of most people within the Blood Spirit Sky.

When faced with the challenge of the Fiery Sun Path, the first person everyone thought of was Yang Shang. After all, Yang Shang had represented the Bloody Massacre Path and achieved lots of honorable things in the past.

How could Yang Shang have gone overboard during training?

Most of the people present knew the reason why Yang Shang had gone overboard and lost control. It had been his incessant desire to improve that had caused him to lose his self-control.

If there had been no pressure from outsiders, Yang Shang's loss of control might have made some people grin from ear to ear. However, now that the Fiery Sun Path was pressuring them for a showdown, all the blood disciples had unsightly looks on their faces.