The Sky-Illuminating Starfire Diagram

The Fiery Sun Path's Sky Book didn't seem too different from the Bloody Massacre Path's Sky Book on the outside. The Sky Book Halls of the two paths could actually be considered identical.

However, the content of the two Sky Books had intrinsic differences.

Just as the Blood Space Ruler had said before their arrival, the Fiery Sun Path's Sky Book mainly focused on Fire. Furthermore, the elaborate information on Fire Origin Source Laws inside was very extensive.

A lot of it could even be linked up.

For example, the inter-coherence between the three diagrams Luo Yunyang was observing was very good. He was specifically checking out the Sky-Illuminating Starfire Diagram, the Void-Plundering Starfire Diagram and the Sun Moon Starfire Diagram.

Although the content of these three diagrams on Fire Origin Source Law wasn't the same, Luo Yunyang's gains were still great.