A Clear Intention To Kill

This person was asking for directions when he was about to die?

The lady in black could not believe her ears. She must have heard wrong. What sort of person would be asking for directions at this point in time?

However, the knife in her hand seemed as heavy as a mountain. It was almost impossible for her to wield it.

Although many thoughts went through her mind, she was too disheartened to process them. "This is no longer the Da Alliance," she said. "The Da Alliance no longer exists!"

Then, the lady took a closer look at the person asking for directions. He was not tall, and he was wearing black armor made out of an unknown material.

The armor looked thin, yet it gave one a sense of sturdiness and robustness.

The man was very good-looking, and his expression was relaxed. As she was looking at him, the lady felt a sense of familiarity.