Battle, Battle, Battle

Bloody Massacre Path, Blood Spirit Sky…

Luo Yunyang, who had just completed his training for the day, walked out of his cultivation room looking emotionless and extremely cold.

Bloody Massacre Path, Blood Spirit Sky…

District-Three Disciple Luo Dong'er was no longer the weakling she had been in the past. Although she was still miles away in terms of strength compared to the true elites and geniuses of the Bloody Massacre Path, she was already a Star-Grade martialist.

Star-Grade martialists could dominate over most people.

However, Luo Dong'er knew very well that she was still light years away from challenging the opponent that was currently approaching.

Beep, beep, beep… "Dong'er, your brother has returned from the Extreme Mysterious Realm. Quick, switch on your communication device and enter the Meru Realm!"