The Cycle Of 100 Swords

"Chief Tu, what happened?" asked the double-knife leader called Li Youmeng, who was looking at Tu Xiang.

After escaping alive, Li Youmeng and the others had witnessed the tentacles piling up like a small mountain.

If Li Youmeng and his squad still didn't know what had happened by this point in time, then they did not deserve to survive in the Cang Yuan System.

"One of our brothers is in there!" Tu Xiang said, sounding like he was in great distress.

Li Youmeng and his squad were still shocked, even though they could guess that there was a reason the tentacles had recoiled when the squad had already been backed into a corner.

However, they hadn't expected that someone would actually dash into the restricted domain of the Ten-Millennia King Beast.

This person had undoubtedly saved them. However, their savior was now in danger.

"Which brother is it, Chief Tu?" Li Youmeng asked with slightly red eyes.