A Slight Intent To Kill In The System

A few men from the Moxia Tribe were chatting on a planet about the size of the moon. The members of the Moxia Tribe looked like horses did on Earth, except that besides having four legs, they also had four arms.

That's right, they had four arms.

However, their source of strength wasn't their arms or legs, but the gems on their foreheads.

Every member of the Moxia Tribe was born with this gem. The size of this gem, as well as its color, would determine the status and standing of an individual within that tribe.

Most of the gemstones on the foreheads of the chatting Moxia Tribe members were blue, while only one of them had a purple gemstone on his forehead.

Although the cultivation base of the person with the purple gemstone might not be the greatest amongst this group, his standing in the tribe was still the highest.

Right now, he was enjoying the privileges that his status afforded him, while everyone crowded around him and chatted happily.