The Celestial World Supremacy

In the main hall within a virtual realm, the atmosphere was extremely heavy. Even the Fiery Sun Path Master, who would always wisecrack in the past, wore a sullen expression.

No one dared speak rashly, so the atmosphere was deadly silent.

"Luo Yunyang is indeed capable. However, our peaceful days will come to an end with these actions of his!" the Dark Shadow Path Master said grudgingly, finally breaking the silence.

His words, though half-judgemental, were extremely on point. However, this still irritated the Deep Earth Path Master, who retorted, "He did not do anything wrong! If I had been placed in that cauldron, I wouldn't have cared less if my tormentor was royalty or not. I would have killed him first and asked questions later!"

The Acute Metal Path Master gently rapped the virtual table in front of him and said, "The two of you should stop arguing now. Our priority is to decide how to deal with the Thunder Ray Tribe!"