1,000 Techniques In One

Large blade, long sword, huge ax, golden hammer, short staff, thick shield!

When that huge beast appeared, each of its hands held one type of weapon.

"Die!" A snarling voice came from the massive ape-like beast. As it roared, its body was like a flash of lightning surging towards Luo Yunyang.

Although this six-limbed ape was quick, its attacks were even faster. This flurry of attacks seemed to cover every angle!

Its blade, sword, ax, hammer, staff, and shield were of varying sizes. However, when it attacked, the area all around Luo Yunyang seemed to get sealed up.

These attacks had probably destroyed any possibility of Luo Yunyang trying to evade the beast!

However, what Luo Yunyang found even stranger about this overwhelming barrage was the power of Origin Source Laws on each weapon brandished by the six-limbed giant ape.