Space-Time Eye

Power: 4,510

Mind: 891

Speed: 821

Constitution: 1,756

Origin Source Law: 2,014 (Wind: 510, Earth: 495, Fire: 751, Water: 399)

The golden figures glittered with a shiny luster on the attribute regulator. Luo Yunyang felt very satisfied when he looked at them.

After advancing from the Star-Grade to the Nebula-Grade, Luo Yunyang's power had seen a straight increase from 800 to more than 4,000 points. His latest battles had allowed this figure to make massive progress.

His Mind, Speed, and Constitution had also experienced massive improvements ever since Luo Yunyang had reached the Nebula-Grade.

While he was in the Divine Martial Hall, Luo Yunyang didn't know what year it was, neither did he have any inkling of how time flowed. However, he could only endure the cultivation within the Divine Martial Hall and incorporate the various laws and techniques to form his own cheat sheet. All these things benefited Luo Yunyang greatly.