The Divine Union General Conference

"Supremacy, I can say that I got the item you wanted, or I can say that I didn't get it." Luo Yunyang eyed the Celestial World Supremacy as he spoke unperturbedly.

The Celestial World Supremacy didn't comment. He only watched Luo Yunyang quietly.

"I only passed the six halls of the Divine Martial Hall's first stage. However, I have only recently ascended to the Nebula-Grade, so I can still train and cultivate for many more years at the Nebula-Grade boundary."

"I believe that after many more years of training, I will definitely pass the second stage of the Divine Martial Hall."

The Celestial World Supremacy's gaze was like clear water. He watched Luo Yunyang without saying a word, as though thoroughly seeing through every single part of him.