Moving Forward Even When The Going Gets Tough

"Honored Envoys, the individual potential evaluation between the Human Tribe and the Golden Ape Tribe will begin now. According to the current evaluation of various aspects, the Golden Ape Tribe has 1,001 points while the Human Tribe has 652 points!" a lady with a pair of golden wings said in a clear, loud voice. She appeared to be from the Wing Tribe.

The large screen that took up half a wall also displayed the figures 1,001 and 652.

These two numbers represented the total points the two tribes had.

"The gap is really big!" a representative from one of the tribes lamented. "With such results, is there still a need to compete?"

"In terms of combat strength, the Golden Ape Tribe isn't in any way inferior to the Human Tribe. Now that Di Motian is taking the individual potential evaluation, this gap will only grow. Unless a divine disciple from the Demigod Tribe takes the stage…"