Instant Cosmo Breaking

Nalanqingyun had a very good plan for his three moves. In fact, his plan was so detailed that he had even prepared and rehearsed how to use his moves.

He had not held back on his first move. Instead, he had immediately used his best move, the 10,000 Slashes In One!

Unfortunately, this technique, which he'd had high hopes for, was eventually broken by Luo Yunyang.

This disappointed him greatly and of course made Nalanqingyun extremely uncomfortable. However, as uncomfortable as he was, he still started getting ready to use his second technique.

Unfortunately, he had not expected that he would get attacked by Luo Yunyang before his second technique was even ready.

Many light waves that looked like layers of spider webs were right between the two of them, which made Nalanqingyun very uncomfortable.

What made things worse was that Luo Yunyang had started to point his finger at him.