A Staggering Blow

Unlike the Divine Union, which was made up of a multi-racial alliance, the Machine Empire was made up of families of different sizes.

According to the distribution method of the Machine Empire, each powerhouse could recruit up to 100 subordinates to form a family. These subordinates could also recruit 100 subordinates to form their own small families.

The branching of the bigger families into smaller families had formed the present Machine Empire.

The relationship between the subordinates of the Mechanical Empire and the head of the family could be described as extremely strict. In many cases, if the head of the family was in danger, the subordinates would desperately sacrifice themselves on their behalf without any consideration.

The Blaze Titan Monarch had risen from the Bloody Space River, so his subordinates were mostly in the Bloody Space River. In his bid to pursue Luo Yunyang, six of his subordinates had perished.