A Bloodshed Is A Just Cause

The Primeval Underworld Monarch sat coldly on his throne like a god, overlooking his surroundings.

However, he had an ugly look on his face that made him look extremely livid.

"Where is Luo Yunyang?" His killing gaze landed on a Monarch from the Purgatory.

The Lava Monarch was wielding a flaming bronze pillar as he replied awkwardly, "He walked away!"

Walked, not ran!

The word 'walk' reflected everyone's attitude towards Luo Yunyang. In their opinion, Luo Yunyang was already on equal footing with them.

Actually, he might even have surpassed them.

The Primeval Underworld Monarch shifted his gaze to the Purple Metal Titan Monarch and asked, "Purple Metal Titan Monarch, can you track Luo Yunyang?"

The Purple Metal Titan Monarch's eyes flashed rapidly. In the past, he wouldn't even have waited for instructions from the Primeval Underworld Monarch to track down Luo Yunyang.