The Blood Lotus Golden Blade Supremacies

Crushed dreams left no traces!

The Primeval Underworld Monarch, who was wrapped within the black light, finally said a word.


Although this word was simple, it encapsulated the Primeval Underworld Monarch's feelings. He didn't have many regrets about falling at Luo Yunyang's hands this time.

The Three Thousand Swords Of Bloodied Seas and the White Bone Blood Sea had startled everyone present and made them admire the all-powerful Primeval Underworld Monarch!

In countless people's opinion, the Primeval Underworld Monarch couldn't be defeated. However, the Primeval Underworld Monarch had lost and gotten defeated in an extremely miserable fashion. Because he had failed and lost, his own life was forfeit.

The Primeval Underworld Monarch had had his dreams crushed on the Blood Source Mountain.

"How is that possible?" the Purgatory's Princess Medusa, who was ashen-faced, exclaimed in shock.