Fury From The Skies

The Sky Roar Tribe ranked 17th amongst the 18 Primary Tribes. Even though it was near the tail end, it was still a Primary Tribe after all.

Basically, most Primary Tribes would be supported by peak Universe-Grade powerhouses. Thus, this sort of tribe would have astonishing power.

"Don't panic. Just speak slowly. What's going on?" said the Konghou Marquis, who was like a black wisp of smoke.

"After leaving the Bloody Space River, Boulder returned to his tribe. When the Sky Roar Tribe's Heaven-Ripping Emperor Lord heard about Boulder's ability, he wanted to make Boulder his own subordinate. However, Boulder didn't agree."

Guilong lowered his voice. "Some time ago, after receiving Sir's invitation, I contacted Boulder. Boulder also agreed to follow His Highness Yunyang. However, just as he was about to leave the Sky Roar Tribe's territory, he was captured and taken back by the Heaven-Ripping Emperor Lord."