The Samsara Wheel Appears, Chaos Ensues

"Despicable!" A jade white palm slammed heavily onto a desk. Bug Queen Nuya's wrath was on full display, while her furious eyes could burn someone to ashes.

Both Fei Lilie from the Purgatory and the old metal box were silent. They truly had no means of dealing with the current City Lord.

Apart from waiting, they could do nothing else!

"Amethyst Tianzi will reach Samsara Star City in three months," the metal box said in a mechanical tone.

However, Nuya replied angrily, "Three months! I don't even know if I can survive for three months!"

"I finally understand why we could bully someone like the Cloud Sea Saint. It was because he cared and worried too much. However, we should have laid down the rules from the beginning when dealing with a bandit like Luo Yunyang. Now, it's too late to do anything!"