The Mountain Partitioning Nine Fragmented Peaks

"How dangerous!" The position where the Brilliant Sun Sage and the others were situated wasn't surrounded by that void-splitting power. However, they still shivered internally as they watched everything crumble frantically.

This collapse of various Origin Source Laws wouldn't be able to kill them instantly. Still, they believed that they would be grinded to death if they were to face this collapse.

Luckily, they weren't inside.

"Although this move of Luo Yunyang's is powerful, I think that he can't maintain it for too long!" A powerhouse from the Purgatory voiced his opinion.

Most of the time, the Brilliant Sun Sage didn't get along with this powerhouse. The Brilliant Sun Sage believed that he would dislike this fella, no matter the circumstances. However, at the moment, he suddenly felt that this powerhouse had penetrating insight. What he had said was spot-on!