The Fury Of The Emperor

Luo Tianxiong was the most nervous of the lot. He had already liaised with most of the family to assume the position of the family head in the Luo family's ancestral hall.

Assuming the position of the family head was akin to reaching the peak of his life.

However, he had never expected that Luo Beishan would appear as everything was about to proceed smoothly and he would rank 39th among the Earth Fiend Starlords thanks to the support of the Divine Emperor.

He had thought that everything was over when Luo Beishan had attacked. However, he had never imagined that, at the most dangerous of times, Luo Yuanchu would actually unleash the Martial Path True Body of the Great Sun Massacre Divine Art.

Although he couldn't see exactly what stage the Martial Path True Body had reached, Luo Tianxiong had a feeling that Luo Yuanchu's Martial Path True Body had already reached the apex.