The Scarlet Sun's 10 Passes

Compared to its glowing surroundings, the deepest part of the Scarlet Mountain Pureland appeared way more subdued. Although it was also a red land, there didn't seem to be anything magical or mystical about it.

It was a return to the natural form!

Only when spirituality reached a certain state could it return to its natural form.

A middle-aged man in red robes and a bitter face trudged towards the mountain peak ahead of him.

This mountain peak wasn't too high. Compared to the towering mountains all around, this small black peak could only be considered a lump of dirt.

This lump of dirt had a scarlet ancient vein on it. Although this ancient vine had nothing to support itself on, it still sprouted upwards as though it had gained foothold out of thin air. Scarlet leaves containing powerful blazing divine lines grew from it.

Suspended in the middle of these branches and leaves was a scarlet fruit about the size of a fist.