The Great Desert And The City Of Gold

The bright sun hung overhead, and golden sand was everywhere.

The Great Desert, which lacked any wind, was filled with a deadly stillness and seemed to be uninhabited for thousands of miles. It would also make anyone feel a shred of indecisiveness.

Great Desert was the name of what lay beyond the Western pass of the Tianyunshen Dynasty's domain. Nobody knew how large this expanse of desert was. Of course, even fewer people knew what was at the end of this place.

However, practically everyone who used the Western pass would know that, besides the sacred grounds of the Iron Palm Sect that lay in the Great Desert, there was also a city filled with riches. The name of this city was the City of Gold.

City of Gold… This name alone filled many businessmen with a deep sense of longing.

A bunch of camel bells jingled in the desolate desert. These camel bells were accompanied by a seemingly enormous group.