There Is Only Me If The Supremacies Don't Show

Xin Jinlong was the first to escape. Although he and the last person to move, the Sky Tone Saint, were only a short distance apart, he eventually survived and the Sky Tone Saint didn't!

The Sky Tone Saint, the two saints from the Bug Race, and the Forsaken Desolation Saint all perished in that blinding fist-light.

In many people's opinion, the two Bug Race Saints had suffered the most injustice. The reason they died wasn't because they were too late to escape, but rather because their speed was too slow.

However, in Xin Jinlong's opinion, their deaths were totally justified, as the weak ought to perish at the hands of the strong.

Xin Jinlong had already fled a million miles away from the Violet Gold Star. Even so, he did not dare to stop and rest, as he could not figure out what sort of means that godly figure still possessed. Hence, his lingering fear made him continue to flee as far as he could.

The further he escaped, the safer he would be.