Finding His Heavenly Venerate Body

Sacred Emperor Moguo and the others all had solemn looks on their faces. They had never expected things to escalate this much.

Sacred Emperor Ding Guang had been nearly forced to his wits' end by Luo Yunyang, who was clad in armor. As the Sacred Emperors watched him, they couldn't help but feel apprehensive.

If they made a move, they would be offending Luo Yunyang. However, if they didn't, then the space-time treasure that Sacred Emperor Ding Guang wanted would fall into Luo Yunyang's hands.

As they hesitated, Luo Yunyang's chaotic hole blade light moved towards Sacred Emperor Ding Guang's Universe Flower, which was glowing with a golden radiance.

Once this Universe Flower was engulfed, Luo Yunyang would certainly be able to kill Sacred Emperor Ding Guang. His power wasn't weaker than Sacred Emperor Ding Guang's and his spiritual consciousness far surpassed his.