10,000 Cauldrons Rise; Absolute Obliteration

"The Donghua Ancient Sect is really at the end of the line. In the past, they came up with this Ancestral Master reincarnation as a way to boost morale, yet now a real Ancestral Master has really been produced!"

"Exactly, being absorbed into the Yinyu Sect is perfectly normal!"

"The winds will always change. The era of the Donghua Ancient Sect is about to end!"

All sorts of discussions erupted all around the Donghua Ancient Sect. The speakers were disciples of the six great sects of the Qianliu Star.

They had come over hoping to gain some benefits as the Donghua Ancient Sect got destroyed. After all, the Yinyu Sect had already made a commitment to go through with this.

Besides some important spots that couldn't be touched, everything else was a free-for-all.

These discussions made many Donghua Ancient Sect disciples palm their heads. Meanwhile, others glanced at Yin Feihuan and tried to pull her up.