Come With Me For Something Good

The gathering on the lake island finally reached its epilogue. As people took to the sky and left one after the other, the bustling lake island once again regained its calm, peaceful state.

Yin Feihuan simply wasn't in any mood to greet the few other females she had gotten to know as she rushed out of the lake island impatiently.

She wanted to see exactly what was going on with Ancestral Master Luo Yunyang.

As she walked out of the lake island, she saw Luo Yunyang and two other men chatting and laughing while leaving.

One of them was Ji Wuhua, whom Yin Feihuan absolutely abhorred.

When had the Ancestral Master and Ji Wuhua started hanging out together? Yin Feihuan felt bewildered and a little depressed. It was commonly said that birds of a feather flocked together. However, the Ancestral Master wasn't that sort of shallow person. Why was he mixing it up with a fellow who liked to provoke others?