Dark Clouds Looming

The Mysterious Underworld being's body crumbled rapidly and vanished in the blink of an eye.

It would be impossible for Luo Yunyang to stop it even if he wanted to.

Weird gazes fell on Luo Yunyang, including disdainful looks and gloating and hostile stares.

Luo Yunyang couldn't care less about those people. He shifted his attention to Muyuan Heavenly Venerate.

Muyuan Heavenly Venerate smiled gently at Luo Yunyang and consoled him. "Brother Yunyang, please ignore what just happened. The Mysterious Underworld beings are formed by the gathering of various destructive energies. Even a ninth-level Heavenly Venerate might not be able to prevent them from self-imploding, so neither can we."

"I've interrogated hundreds of Mysterious Underworld beings to discover their origin. Unfortunately, all of them shattered almost instantly."